Monday, June 22, 2009

Ikea Chair Revamp

I just popped onto Etsy and spotted the coolest chair cover!  I have a severe addiction to chairs, especially vintage.  I have about 5 chairs that I have collected for Chakra P. photo shoots.  This may sound like a lot but I do use these chairs around the house.  Even if they are worn down and not fit to sit on, I use them as extra tables or a colorful accent piece.  I also love simple chairs at a nice price.  This brings me to Ikea.  I purchased one of these folding chairs a while ago for a possible photo shoot.  At $14.99,  it was nice to snatch one up and store it for future use.  It has been sitting in my workshop for some time.  It kinda bothered me to have it sitting and not functioning. So when I saw this cover, I was so excited!  How cool is that?  What a wonderful way to fit a common folding chair into one's decor!  Visit the chair cover in the InBoundThread shop

1 comment:

Home Sweet said...

I buy extra chairs as an excuse for a photo shoot, but really I just like having places to sit.