Sunday, December 20, 2009

I gotta do this more often...

Well, I was supposed to go to a few antique shops today. I was also supposed to drop by the fabric store. Neither of those things happened. Instead, I shut everything off and started to doodle a bit. The New Year will bring more of this. It must.... : )


Miss Crowland said...

loving the doodles.

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

Thank you! I LOVE your work :)

Liane said...

Hey, I agree. I like these bits. Get to doodling! I've been meaning to do the same. I'm working on screen printing in 2010.

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

Thank ya, Liane :)
Ya know, I keep meaning to share some sketches with you! There are a couple of folk books of mine that I know that you will LOVE. You might have them already ;) We will compare during Brimfield 2010!

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

Oh, also enhabiten screen printing!!!! YES PLEASE! :)

alexkeller said...

i love the doodles - so fun to see them! did you look more at the folk art book i loaned you? there has to be some great stuff in there, too :)

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

I still need to dive into that one! Holiday break, for sure :)

ethanollie said...

i can do many things. but i cannot draw.

so jealous of your doodles.

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

Yes Kim, you can do many WONDERFUL things. I think that I have told you this before but I visit your shop just about every day just to admire your styling. Constant inspiration!

ps. if I can draw, you can draw :)

Mandy said...

Just wonderful! I spent the afternoon with my nieces and nephews in Colorado using the ginormous art sets our family bought them for the holidays -- it was absolutely amazing to paint with them -- I love childrens art. Anyhow it was very rewarding. Can't wait to see you new work in the coming year! Cheers, Mandy

Chakra Pennywhistle said...

Mandy, I absolutely love that! I used to teach an after school children's art class and miss it dearly! One day, I hope to go back to it :)

wearwolfs said...

Absolutely perfect! There is always tomorrow!