Monday, December 21, 2009

Moving forward...

My Space Original Illustration by fricdementol

Looking ahead to the New Year, I am so excited! I have a lot of plans in the works for Chakra P. In order to make those plans a reality, I am taking a short break from facebook, twitter, and blogger. After stealing some time to actually draw the other day, I realized that I need to focus on new designs and products. This is where I am most happy. 2010 will bring pillow covers, new dishtowels, and a whole new look to the Chakra Pennywhistle site.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. I truly thank you for all of the inspiration and support. I look forward to living this handmade life in the new year. I am so thankful for this community! Happy Holidays!

Until next year,


Liane said...

can't wait to see your new work! i bet it will be soooo good. have a fruitful break and see you soon. xo

alexkeller said...

Can't wait to see what you'll be making in the newyeat. Hope to still see you!

Mandy Behrens said...

Enjoy your time off sweetie! I can't wait either to see your art. Cheers, Mandy

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see and enjoy your new projects :)) I'm your fan number one! :D
I wish you the most bright, creative New Year and lots of money bag :D**

Jesse said...

Hope you have a lovely break!